Monday, June 30, 2008

June movies

It looks like I saw too many not-so-great films in June. Lots of two or two and a half star films this month--with even a dreaded one star! Part of the blame is because I watched films with Mia Sara or Sandrine Holt in them and let's be honest, they've kind of got a poor track record. Holt's 1998 film Gunslinger's Revenge will be in the running for worst film I see all year. "The gunfighters who rocked the west" is its tagline (David Bowie gives an embarrassing performance) and that sums up the garbage that is this film. It's strange Holt plays Native Americans a lot considering she is half Chinese and half French. While Sara was good in the film A Stranger Among Us, the movie was awful with Melanie Griffith playing a tough talking NY cop--I don't know what Sidney Lumet was thinking with that bit of casting!

The June event for films had to be Indy-A-Thon '08. Check that post out and the comment box for my running journal throughout the day.

The Savages---2007---usa ****
Be Kind Rewind---2008---usa **1/2
Cashback---2006---England ***
Secondhand Lions---2003---usa **1/2
A Stranger Among Us---1992---usa **
Iron Man---2008---usa ****
I Do---1921---usa ****
House of Voices---2004---france **
Mother of Tears---2007---italy **1/2
Gunslinger's Revenge---1998---italy *
Priceless---2007---france ***1/2
Raiders of the Lost Ark---1981---usa *****!
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom---1984---usa **1/2
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade---1989---usa ****
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull---2008---usa ***
Mr. Bean's Holiday---2007---england ***
The Pompatus of Love---1994---usa **
Kotch---1971---usa ***
Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired---2008---usa ***1/2
Knocked Up---2007---usa ****
The Butcher---2007---france ***1/2
Joe Louis: America's Hero...Betrayed---2008---usa ***
A Guy Named Joe---1943---usa ***
Mongol---2007---Russia ***1/2


Joshua Blevins Peck said...

24 films in June!

Anonymous said...

We also viewed Mr. Bean (1st time)& Secondhand Lions (2nd time for full screening) in June. I liked S.L. much more than that & was sad to see your stars so low.

Anonymous said...

Sorry - forgot the tag - S.D.

Joshua Blevins Peck said...

I almost gave it a 3 but Haley Joel Osment--can't stand him!--pulled it down to a 2.5. I also saw this on a jet w/ terrible ear phones and angle to the tiny screen...that may have affected my enjoyment.

Anonymous said...

the setting can definitely make a difference! -sd