Wow. Harvey Wienstein is always eager to break rules to promote his films or figure out ways to make a little extra money on the film's he releases. Today, with the release of a scrubbed of f-words The King's Speech, he's set a new low-bar that I hope and pray won't be replicated by producers in the future. I'm not buying a second of the press release from the Weinstein Company that this is for the young people who stutter who want to see the movie. Complete and utter bullshit! Censor that Harvey.
This is about making some more money, plain and simple. If Harvey wanted to get a sanitized version to the kids he could have released a DVD version with the "R" on one side and the "PG-13" on the other. Or, even a double disc release. I'm sure that there will be two versions of the film out on DVD at some point because hey, then Harvey can make some more money. The guy is always going on and on about "art," but his version of art always has to make a tidy profit and he will bully, cajole, influence and trick his way to every penny [and then rob people of money owed them, hence legal cases like the recent Michael Moore lawsuit].
If I was director Tom Hooper I'd be pretty livid that this egomaniacal, hack producer is cutting part of your movie up just to make a few more ticket sales to people under the guise it's for the "kids." Let's imagine all the future films that can get a squeaky clean version as well as the "R" rated version. If he could, he'd release a PG-13 The Hangover 2 in a few months as well as the "R" version. Why not keep editing the film down to cover all the bases and give us a PG or even a G so EVERYONE can see it and not be offended by what they see. It will be just like watching the horrid TV versions of films where the bad language is cut-out for our own protection. No thanks.
In the newspaper today I came across the words describing the rerelease, "The film that won Best Picture of the year is now the family event of the year." Are you kidding me? Harvey has hit a lot of lows over the years, but the bar has been placed even lower than ever before by this embarrassing attempt to make some $$$. I've got two words for you Harvey and your cash-grab release to inspire [as Harvey wants us to believe, but only suckers would believe this is the real reason for this] all the underage stutterers out there who might be offended by the eff word: F*ck you!
I am trying to keep it clean for all the kids and stutterers who might be reading this for inspiration!
nice f'in rant jp! i love reading your rants! saw more with otis in '98!
This was practically unedited as I was just getting it off my chest!
I think the next poll question will be who is the biggest scuzzball in Hollywood? Harvey Weinstein will be one of the choices.
For the record, this PG-13 release still ticks me off! I've thought about it more over the weekend and was hoping no one would see it--evidently it tanked with only 1.2 million in revenues in over a thousand theatres and had a 26% drop. The same exact drop as the week before w/out the new, squeaky clean version for families. That lessons my anger a little bit, but not completely. It is still a classic HW move that irks me to no end...
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