Thursday, January 13, 2011

2010 statistics!

Total films seen in 2010: 243

By Month

January: 23
February: 18
March: 21
April: 18
May: 16
June: 16
July: 33
August: 18
September: 16
October: 12
November: 20
December: 32

By Decade

1920-29: 2
1930-39: 1
1940-49: 2
1950-59: 6
1960-69: 5
1970-79: 26
1980-89: 20
1990-99: 6
2000-2009: 98
2010: 75

By Country

156: US and A!
16: England, France
4: Canada, Spain, Sweden
3: China, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico
2: Austria, Denmark, Hong Kong, Romania
1: Chile, Greece, Finland, Indonesia, India, Israel, Netherlands

Who I Saw 'Em With

104: Alone
96: Sarah Jesse
28: David Nofire
8: Aaron Mankekar
7: Lillian Blevins
6: Bart Ford, Peter Klein, Brandon Pleake
5: Krista Chamberlain, Mandy Durham, Tim Spindle
3: Scott Booker, Cassie Tudyk
2: Mary Beth Babcock, Donnie Bostwick, Nancy Churillo, Lance Miller, Greg Younger
1: Jacob Booker, Gunter Bostwick, John Cooper, Candice Due, JR Due, Susan Green, Tom Huettner, Trevor Koop, Bill Lloyd, Jada Maxwell, Kim McMillen, Joe O'Shansky, David Vance, Sara Younger

Where I Saw 'Em

202: Tulsa, Oklahoma
6: Pryor Creek, Oklahoma; London, England
5: Seattle, Washington; On a jet
4: New York, NY
2: St. Louis, Missouri; Nashville, Tennessee; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
1: Paris, texas; Virginia Water, England; Kansas City, Missouri; Miami, Oklahoma; Vancouver, Canada; Memphis, Tennessee; Dadeville, Alabama

In a theatre: 102
Documentaries: 33
Tearjerkers: 9


the hidden staircase said...

here's where you get to show off all the places you traveled last year!

Joshua Blevins Peck said...

Ha. SJ and I tried to see films in 15 different cities in 2010 and I think our total was 11. Not bad. At least you are down here for a total of 3. Hopefully we'll come out again this year and we can see some more.