Thursday, March 15, 2012

Coming soon to CineRobot: audio!

That's right, like the title of this post says, coming very soon to CineRobot will be the sound of my voice discussing all kinds of topics related to film. I recently purchased one of these retro [and kind of large] Blue Yeti microphones with the intention of using it for CineRobot audio among other things. I don't think I will be attempting a full-blown podcast, as I don't have the time to do that [or do I?], but it will be reviews, rants and other things that I want to talk about in audio form. I might even do an interview here and there.

One of the things I'm opening up for topic of discussion will be question [from you dear readers] and answers [from me]. If you want to ask me anything about certain movies, directors, actors, film genres, movie theatres, films I loved as a kid, test my memory in any way [you get the idea], send me questions in the comment box and I will address them at some point in time [maybe]. That is if I can figure out the technology to record and then link the posts to CineRobot for you to listen to. Come on--send me some questions or any other ideas in ways I can use audio on CineRobot.


hidden staircase said...

well...sound will be lost on me since i usually look at this from work and can't listen. first question is one you ask your guests: which movie would you want to live in for the rest of your life?

Joshua Blevins Peck said...

Guy: Give me something to rant about, ha.

hidden staircase said...

the best thing about this josh is that folks will get to hear your drawl! maybe some that don't realize you have one!

Joshua Blevins Peck said...

True. I hope I don't lose it living in southern California. Always worries me when I leave the state. My accent connects me to Oklahoma!

hidden staircase said... won't lose it! it never happened before. it's in your blood!

Joshua Blevins Peck said...

Maybe SJ can chime in here about me losing it as she swears all the time she doesn't know what I'm saying and blames it on the accent.

hidden staircase said...

well, i know you can be a mumbler when you get tired and a lot harder to understand! just don't do a robot-cast if you're tired, ha!

Cinerobota said...

There is a language barrier that prohibits me from understanding Joshua about half the time. He has to repeat things often or sometimes I'll just say "oh" or "oh really" or "hmm" if I haven't actually heard what he said, as he gets mad repeating things so many times. This usually does the trick although now I'll have to come up with some other responses.

hidden staircase said...

cinerobotina...maybe we can find a muskogee decoder ring for you or get josh a voice translator synthesizer. instead of a OKoder...ah!