Sunday, November 22, 2009

Blu ray

I've taken the next step when it comes to film watching pleasure--blu ray! Got it on Thursday and have already watched two films.

Total Recall looked pretty good but some of the 1990 effects were rendered a bit dated (it's a fun film but it has a lot of issues!). Werner Herzog's documentary set in Antarctica,  Encounters at the End of the World, was absolutely stunning visually. Wow.

I've already reorganized my queue on Netflix with a lot of things I want to re-watch.


Anonymous said...

I'm jealous!

Joshua Blevins Peck said...

They do charge a few extra bucks...$3.99 a month I think. From what I've seen so far, worth it.

Cameron McCasland said...

Its marvelous to look at.I have tried like the dickens to not to rebuy titles i own on dvd, but its tough when you see the clarity.

Bungle said...

I just got the HDTV handled. I'm just waffling on a straight up player or a PS3 (we like golf here in the O'Shansky household). I bet EatEotW looked amazing.

Vern Snackwell said...

Public Enemies still looks like poop, even on blu-ray

Joshua Blevins Peck said...

Public Enemies would look like crap if you saw it on two IMAX screens with technology from the future! That's how horrible that film looks. I saw the trailer last night and thought--geez, that looks like garbage.

Bungle said...

Film trumps digi-vid every time. Why do you think Pixar spends so much time emulating the flaws of film cameras for their movies?