Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Day three @ SIFF

Another busy day. Lots of stuff in Seattle + got in two films. Two films a day might seem like a lot to some but this is a festival that lasts for three weeks and I've had full series passes before. That means 130+ films in three weeks. So, two films a day is nothing. I do that a lot in Tulsa. The tiring thing this week is I'm rushing around doing other things--going to favorite restaurants, shops, walking so much up and down hilly Seattle streets my calves are sore, etc etc. By the time that 9.30 screening is done and I get back to Nancy's house, I'm tired. I love it though and it's hard to only watch two films a day as my natural robot genetics make me want to watch 4/5 films a day!

First film of the day was the new American comedy The Answer Man at the Neptune Theatre. I've said it before on here and I'll say it again--I love the Neptune! I saw The Answer Man for one reason and one reason only: Jeff Daniels as a comedic lead. I'll see anything with Daniels as lead as he's one of the most professional, solid and underrated comedy/dramatic actors working. The first hour of this is surprisingly peppy and smart. It zips right along until it comes to the last third and how to finish. Too bad, as it had the possibility of being quite good. Still, the nice cast makes it charming, light and fun. 

At 9.30 I got in another Danish film in Fear Me Not. I love the Danes! A problem with this film is it was my first digital projected film of the festival and it looked like garbage on the screen. The subtitles did a pixelated flicker dance about half the time and any time there was movement on screen the image became slightly distorted. I freakin' hate digital compared to film! The film was another odd one from the Danes which only endears me to them more. Fear Me Not is kind of a comedy (of the droll Danish style) with some dark moments in the second half as a father goes on anti-depressants that unleash some inner demons. Not for everyone but I liked its slowness and its "Dane-ness". 

Wednesday has me doing more of the same: bustling about the city and then squeezing in a couple of films. 

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